纳丁 Tran,德国北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州杜塞尔多夫金融专家
纳丁 is 可用 租用
雇佣 纳丁

纳丁 Tran

验证专家  in 金融



纳丁是一名房地产专业人士,拥有超过十年的房地产经验, 私人股本, 创业, 投资银行. 在此期间, she was responsible for investment analyses and asset management for transactions ranging from $25 million to $1.50亿年. 纳丁自由利用她在房地产方面的专业知识, 投资分析, 金融建模, 制作演示文稿.


房地产资产 & 投资管理






2018 - 2021
  • Managed a diversified European real estate portfolio with responsibilities throughout the investment cycle from due diligence to disposal.
  • Effectively negotiated multi-million-pound, complex lease agreements outperforming business plans. Realized 6-figure cost savings and additional cash flow streams and negotiated complex dilapidation settlement across parties.
  • Successfully concluded lease extension negotiations with tenants to optimize individual lease lengths to reposition and enhance property via an extensive refurbishment project totaling £9 million.
  • Produced cash flow projections and prepared operational and valuation models to identify asset enhancement strategies. 制定和交付业务计划,管理流动性和融资需求.
  • Identified and resolved critical issues across various planned CAPEX works during major tenant refurbishment (7,000 sqm; c.£10m) by creating and managing a multi-layered project team and active monitoring to secure successful project delivery.
  • Built an external advisory team to assess feasibility and impact on the valuation of a £7 million refurbishment project to reposition assets in the market and increase the property's future rental income and sustainability.
  • Established reporting and control processes for regular portfolio reports and to streamline the onboarding of new assets and advisor teams. Conducted meetings with the fund management to present reports and advise on strategies to improve performance.
重点领域:金融建模, 谈判, 预算, 管理, 房地产, 演讲, 投资分析, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 估值, Excel建模, 董事会报告, 商业地产, 德国, 预测, 财务分析, 分析, 风险分析, 资产估值, 领导, 旅行, 建模, 投资者的演讲, 投资, 投资案例, 投资报告, 财务报告, 节演讲, 演示设计, 客户演示, 商业策略, 业务规划, 业务建模, 现金流量模型, 现金流量分析, DCF模型, DCF估值, 贴现现金流(DCF), 贴现现金流量分析

首席执行官 & 创始人

2016 - 2018
  • Founded 电子商务 business specializing in jewelry retail from emerging and independent international designers.
  • Carried out market analysis and designed business plans with the help of 金融建模, 预算, 和预测.
  • Formed technical and operational infrastructure to optimize processes and reduce manual intervention.
  • Approached national and international jewelers and negotiated sales agreements and terms.
  • Developed and implemented marketing strategy across social media channels and online magazines.
  • Carried out in-depth search engine optimization (SEO) analysis and designed strategy for organic traffic growth. Identified expansion potential by collaborating with new designers on marketing and promotion, 从而提高业务利润率.
重点领域:商业战略, 业务规划, 预测, 预算, 搜索引擎优化工具, 市场营销, 财务分析, 会计, 沥青制备, 节演讲, 现金流量模型, 财务报表, 创业公司, 电子商务分析, 电子商务, 业务分析

房地产资产 & 投资管理

2013 - 2015
  • Managed and ran the disposal process of a UK hotel portfolio and a German office and residential portfolio. Assessed new investment opportunities, including supermarkets, offices, new developments, and hotels.
  • Developed and maintained operational models for 61 hotels and the deal cash flow model. Attended board meetings and collaborated with the hotel operators to create internal and external valuation reports.
  • Co-operated with hotel management and hotel operator to prepare a split of 61 hotels into three independent portfolios. 领导处置数据室和Q&两个酒店组合的流程.
  • 为剩余的核心酒店组合选择新的酒店运营商. Worked with the new hotel operator to create an operational cash flow forecast in advance of preparing hotels for the subsequent sales process.
  • 协助董事管理15个办公室及住宅物业. 管理资本支出和租赁审批, 准备内部演示文稿, 并参与了处理过程的管理.
  • Led due diligence of supermarket portfolio by analyzing assets and forming point of contact for broker and sellers. 协商专卖期. Carried out quantitative and qualitative DD and presented the material in meetings with partners.
  • 评估住宅、办公室和餐厅新区域的发展. 进行实地考察并咨询行业专业人士. 建议根据调查结果拒绝该项目.
重点领域:风险分析, 金融, 房地产, 贴现现金流(DCF), DCF估值, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A),金融建模,住宅房地产,酒店 & 住宿, 资产管理, 资产估值, 演讲, 投资分析, 估值, Excel建模, 董事会报告, 商业地产, 尽职调查, 分析, 财务分析, 瀑布模型, 建模, 估值分析, 估值建模, 演示设计, 投资报告, 德国, 联合王国, 业务建模, DCF模型, 贴现现金流量分析, 商业策略, 预算


2011 - 2013
  • Led investments in 私人股本 funds (primary and secondary) as well as direct investments via leverage buyouts. 负责基础设施RFP请求和市场演示.
  • Conducted advanced DD on four co-investments, six primary and ten secondary investments. 完成两项共同投资,两项主要投资和四项次要投资.
  • 在研究部担任经理 & 荷兰基础设施基金的主要投资. Conducted market study of peer infrastructure funds and analyzed investments of the manager’s previous funds. 参加现场会议,撰写投资论文.
  • 指导共同投资4亿欧元以上的法国收购. 编制目标公司的财务模型和行业分析. Participated in due diligence meetings and created financial and industry sections in investment papers. 提交给投资委员会.
  • Created fund pricing model and decision paper for a £50 million secondary investment in a small-cap 私人股本 fund. Participated in due diligence meetings and presented analysis to the investment committee.
  • Led pricing of three large-cap 私人股本 funds and conducted management calls as part of a €200 million+ transaction involving the firm’s global secondary team. 向投资委员会提交分析报告.
重点领域:杠杆收购模型, 估值倍数, DCF估值, 估值分析, 估值建模, 投资回报情景分析, 金融建模, 私人公司估值, 私募股权二级市场, 私募股权估值, 私人股本, 演讲, 投资分析, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 估值, Excel建模, 董事会报告, 杠杆收购(LBO), 资产估值, DCF模型, 建模, 分析, 贴现现金流(DCF), 贴现现金流量分析, 业务分析, 基础设施, 股票估值, 征求建议书(RFP), 节演讲, 客户演示, 演示设计, 投资报告, 投资者的演讲, 表示发展


2010 - 2011
罗伯特W. 贝尔德
  • 担任卖方和买方交易的投资银行分析师. 参与所有交易阶段.
  • 在德国领导为期5周的现场尽职调查. 将价值1.75亿欧元的德国阀门制造商出售给一家工业公司. Prepared management presentations and acted as a primary point of contact for the management. 参加SPA谈判,编写SPA附件.
  • 参与将一家德国暖通空调制造商出售给一家金融买家. 对潜在买家进行策略性筛选. Created financial model, confidential information memorandum, and management presentation.
  • 金融买家杠杆收购英国人力资源公司. Prepared management presentation and built LBO model involving more than 30 subsidiaries with acquisition strategy and scenario analysis.
重点领域:估值分析, DCF估值, 估值建模, 估值倍数, 估值, 投资者的演讲, 球场上甲板, 定价, 财务模式审计, 金融建模, 杠杆收购(LBO), 演讲, 合并 & 收购(M&A)财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), Excel建模, 董事会报告, 业务分析, 商业策略, 投标书, 沥青制备, 节演讲, 销售场地, 演示设计, 客户演示, 财务报告, 表示发展, 杠杆收购模型, 财务分析, 分析, Capital IQ, 现金流量模型, 现金流, 预计现金流量, 自由现金流(FCF), 案例研究, 现金流量分析, 财务报表, 收入报表, 资产负债表
2008 - 2009



2006 - 2007



2004 - 2007





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